No. of questions: 265
Question type: Self-assessment, situational, multiple-choice
Estimated completion time: 85 minutes
Shorter versions of assessment: N/A
Recommended age level: 18+
Qualification Level: Class A
Compliance: APA standards; EEOC standards (gender, age, disability1)
Validation Information:
● Sample Size: 784
● Cronbach’s Alpha: 0.97
Benchmarks: Available (general population, nurses)
Group Comparisons: Available
Report Includes:
● Summary
● Introduction
● Graphs
● Detailed narrative interpretation
● Customized advice
● Impression Management
Factors and Scales:
Overall Score plus 5 factors, divided into 30 scales:
● Nursing Value System: Encompasses a group of skills/traits that are essential to a fulfilling nursing career.
● Customer Orientation: Encompasses a group of traits/skills that are required to provide the best care possible to patients.
● Psychological Strength: Ability to deal with the trials and tribulations that are common in nursing.
● Conscientiousness: Encompasses skills required to be a productive and careful worker.
● Mental Aptitude: Assesses essential competencies that are required in the day-to-day functioning of nurses.
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