CTAA 360 (Coaching & Trainability Attiude Assessment)


Purpose: CTAA 360 is designed to allow direct reports, peers, and group members to assess the degree to which person is open to feedback, help, and coaching.


While a lot of employees may believe that they’re flexible and open to feedback, being coachable often proves to be a greater challenge than expected. It requires the ability to put aside one’s ego and listen to constructive criticism, and to humbly admit weakness and be open to change. This isn’t an easy feat, but those who manage to remain objective and open-minded will come out of a coaching situation a better-rounded, enlightened, and productive employee.

Being coachable doesn’t imply that a person needs to overhaul his or her entire personality, or put aside the way he or she has been approaching work thus far. It’s not a matter of being manipulated or molded into someone else’s image of what one should be. Being coachable is being willing to expand our comfort zone; to take the blinders off and take a serious look at areas where we can learn more, progress more, and mature more.

The goal of a 360 feedback system is to provide insight into your level of coachability. It is designed to highlight factors (attitude or behavioral issues) that could hold you back from getting the most out of a coaching session. The added bonus is that this is not just a self-assessment tool – you will also be receiving feedback from with whom you work closely. While it can be difficult to accept criticism from others, regardless of how constructive it is, recognize that the goal of their feedback is to see you grow as a professional and as a person..

Purpose: CTAA 360 is designed to allow direct reports, peers, and group members to assess the degree to which person is open to feedback, help, and coaching.

No. of questions: 23
Question type: Self-assessment and rating scale
Estimated completion time: 10-15 minutes per rater
Shorter versions of assessment available: N/A
Recommended age level: 18+
Qualification Level: Class A
Compliance: APA standards
Group Comparisons: Available

This 360 feedback system consists of a self-assessment for the
target and a rating survey for those who are offering their
feedback (e.g. managers, direct reports, colleagues, group
members, and customers). A team report can be generated for
a group of targets to assess the performance of the group as a

Individual report Includes:
● Introduction
● Graphs
● Detailed narrative interpretation
● Rater comments (optional)
● Tailored advice

Team comparison report Includes:
● Introduction
● Graphs
● Detailed narrative interpretation
● Rater comments (optional)
● Exercises to improve coachability

Factors and Scales:
CTAA 360 provides an overall rating, in addition to ratings for the
following competencies:
● Ability to handle criticism
● Openness to learning and improvement
● Willingness to take direction
● Willingness to ask for help
● Drive to succeed
● Humility/Humbleness


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