
Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom”. Aristotle.

The study of human thoughts/mind and its effect on personality has been an area of immense interest, study and research by humans since our evolution. Records of psychological study and research have been found in ancient documents that are more than 10000 years old.  In Fact, the study of all ancient civilisations (Indian, Babylon, Greek, Egyptian, Incas, Chinese) reveals clear studies of human behavior in vast detail. Evidence is found in the great discoveries of epics, art and architecture by archaeologists and researchers all around the globe.

 Psychology Rediscovered

“If you want to succeed, you must learn to harness your physical body and your mind to the fullest possible way.” 

                                                            Sadh Guru Jagi Vasudev

The western world first recognised psychology as a formal science in 1870 in Germany after many experiments relating to the human mind and its response to various stimuli.The formal development of modern psychology is credited to the work of German physician, physiologist, and philosopher Wilhelm Wundt . Today the whole world enthusiastically studies the human mental and physical process and behaviour and its influence on one self and society. The English word psychology comes from two specific Greek words ‘psyche’ which means ‘soul’ \ ‘life’ \‘mind’ and ‘logica’ which means  ‘study of it’.

Big Revelation

“The world is not the most pleasant place. Eventually your parents leave you and nobody is going to go out of their way to protect you unconditionally. You need to learn to stand up for yourself and what you believe and sometimes, pardon my language, kick some ass.”

Queen Elizabeth II

The greatest discovery  during the study of psychology has been the knowledge that each and every human being is  different and has a unique personality governed by his own mindset and thinking. Today this study helps to navigate the matrix of an individual ‘s environment and recognise one’s own unique strength and ability to  triumph. Every human being is unique with their own diverse set of traits making them special and so everyone  must know their forte, for nurturing themselves in order to stand up for what they believe in. 


“Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.”                                                                  Lao Tzu is created to help you analyse and understand your thoughts in order to realise your true capabilities.It is a web based system to dissect your thoughts in order to examine the calibre and potential of a human mind.

Our journey invariably  begins with our minds and the human mind is the most powerful gizmo in the world.  Thoughts become words, words become action,action becomes habits and habits create our character and destiny. At  we offer tools to gauge your  thoughts to know your  abilities and aptitude in a particular sphere of interest / activity / vocation / study / discipline. 

“Thinking is just a recycling of data that you have gathered in the past.” Sadhguru Jagi Vasudev.

Most of us pursue careers that are not compatible with our unique strengths and personality, this causes frustration and stress which can be simply cured by knowing our thoughts.

eAnatomise Assessments and Reports

“If  psychology teaches us anything, it is that all of us are a mixture of strengths and weaknesses. No one has it all, and no one lacks it all”. – Christopher Peterson

At you will find intricately designed psycological tests  and detailed assessment reports sourced from the world’s best psychological test provider. Our assessment reports would be a solid foundation enabling you to build upon strengths while improving upon weaknesses.

Through you can assess your and your employees calibre in detail and experience unprecedented comprehension upon behavioural traits. Our exhaustive reports are generated with the help of AI-assisted methods to encode an expert knowledge base into an animated scoring system and write ups.We have more than one hundred psychological assessments / tests to satisfy all your requirements to  rediscover capabilities.


“Only when you do not know yourself, the opinion of other people becomes important”. Sadhguru Jagi Vasudev.

At we use the world’s best and scientifically developed psychological evaluation system and detailed reports crafted with the help of vigorous research and analysis to help you understand your potential, advantages, weaknesses, and personality traits.

The importance of knowledge of human psychology has been known throughout the ages.  We bring to you at the comfort of your computers the best psychological tests and assessments in the world to get the best out of the human resources. Empower yourself, empower your team, rediscover  and triumph.

Let the journey towards your continuous rediscovery of calibre and success begin.

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind. 

Dr Seuss