AMPM – R3 (Advanced Multidimensional Personality Matrix – 3rd Revision)


Purpose: The AMPM – R3 is based on the Five Factor Model credited to Costa, McRae, and Goldberg. This full version includes five main factors, which are each broken down further into several more specific elements.




By providing insight into both who a person is and who he or she wants to be, the AMPM can help increase personal satisfaction and success in life.

Based on the Five Factor Model credited to Goldberg, Costa and McRae, the Advanced Multidimensional Personality Matrix (AMPM) is a comprehensive personality assessment designed to provide you with valuable insight into Mary’s character, aptitudes, and disposition. The AMPM is based on the theory that all human personality traits belong to one of five broad dimensions of personality. Using factor analysis, a technique that reduces a set of characteristics into a smaller number of underlying factors, personality psychologists discovered that five recurring factors seemed to encompass all others.

The first three factors established were Emotional Stability, Extroversion, and Openness. Emotional Stability refers to calmness, confidence, and emotional security, whereas Extroversion refers to an external orientation and an interactive and socially engaged nature. Openness suggests curiosity, imagination, and flexibility. The additional two factors that form the big five are Agreeableness and Conscientiousness. Agreeableness refers to good-naturedness, sincerity, and likeability, and Conscientiousness refers to careful, productive, rule-abiding behavior.

Each of the five main personality traits stretches along a continuum. For example, a candidate will not be designated as Agreeable or Disagreeable, but somewhere in between on a normal distribution. The personality traits tested in the questionnaire are consistent cross-culturally, and are fairly stable over time, beginning in young adulthood. An understanding of the candidate’s position on each dimension can provide you with valuable insight into his / her personality.

Purpose: The AMPM – R3 is based on the Five Factor Model credited to Costa, McRae, and Goldberg. This full version includes five main factors, which are each broken down further into several more specific elements.

No. of questions: 175, plus additional questions
Question type: Situational, self-report
Estimated completion time: 45 minutes
Shorter versions of assessment: Yes
Recommended age level: 18+
Qualification Level: Class A
Compliance: APA standards (disability)
Validation Information:
● Sample Size: 1690
● Cronbach’s Alpha range: 0.66 to 0.86

Benchmarks: Available (general population)
Interview Questions: Available
Group Comparisons: Available

Report Includes:
● Summary
● Introduction
● Graphs
● Detailed narrative interpretation
● Strengths and Limitations
● Impression Management
● Personality Type
● Advice

Factors and Scales:
5 factors, divided into 35 scales:
Emotional Stability: Assesses overall emotional strength and the ability to withstand stress.
Extroversion: Assesses whether a person prefers interacting with others or spending time
Openness: Assesses extent to which a person seeks out new experiences and is receptive
to different views and people..
Agreeableness: Assesses a persons’s demeanor in terms of approachability and cooperativeness.
Conscientiousness: Assesses whether a person is productive, organized, and reliable.