EES 360 (Employee Engagement Survey)


Purpose: The objective of EES 360 is to obtain a snapshot of an employee’s current attitude toward their work, their job, and the organization. It offers management insight into the organizational “vibe” and brings to light job issues that they may not be aware of.


Purpose: The objective of EES 360 is to obtain a snapshot of an employee’s current attitude toward their work, their job, and the organization. It offers management insight into the organizational “vibe” and brings to light job issues that they may not be aware of.

No. of questions: 22
Question type: Self-assessment and rating scale
Estimated completion time: 5-10 minutes per rater
Shorter versions of assessment available: N/A
Recommended age level: 18+
Qualification Level: Class A
Compliance: APA standards
Group Comparisons: Available

This 360 feedback system consists of a self-assessment for the target and a rating survey for those who are offering their feedback (e.g. managers, direct reports, customers, and colleagues). A team report can be generated for a group of targets to assess the performance of the group as a whole.

Individual report Includes:
● Introduction
● Overall engagement score
● Breakdown of how the target was rated
on each question
● Rater comments (optional)
● Advice
● Suggestions for additional learning materials

Team comparison report Includes:
● Introduction
● Overall engagement score
● Breakdown of how the team was rated
on each question
● Rater comments (optional)
● Coaching tips for managers
● Suggestions for additional learning materials

Factors and Scales:
EES 360 provides an overall rating, in addition to ratings for the following competencies:
● Degree of work effort
● Willingness to take initiative
● Taking pride in accomplishments
● Motivation to excel
● Speaking up to management
● Enthusiasm
● Work Quality
● Going above and beyond the call of duty
● Drive toward self-improvement
● Willingness to accept criticism
● Level of accountability
● Drive toward career advancement
● Conduct
● Goal-orientation
● Degree of participation


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