HAPAP (Hairstylist Aptitude Personality & Attitude Profile)


Purpose: HAPAP will evaluate whether a person has the skills and traits to be successful in the hairdressing field.


The cosmetology industry employs over a million people.

Hairdressing is one of the fastest-growing and fiercely-competitive industries in the world; one need only walk into the nearest mall to realize how much this business is booming! Although this may make it easier to find a job, being able to make a name for yourself among the competition will take more than a handiness with scissors. More often than not, the best paying jobs go to those who possess excellent customer service and business savvy, who are constantly learning and improving their skills, and who have a “nose” for networking. The traits and skills assessed on this test are what differentiate “good” hairdressers” from “great” hairdressers. Remember, although one may have mastered every possible technique in the book, such expertise won’t be worth much if he/she doesn’t know or have what it takes to obtain and keep clients.

Besides a competitive spirit, traits such as integrity, passion, reliability, and organization are considered extremely attractive to customers. The ideal hairdresser manages his/her time well, possesses excellent self-control and problem-solving skills, and displays a strong dose of common sense. In addition, given that this is a challenging job, good stamina, the ability to deal well with stress, and a healthy level of self-confidence and motivation are essential in order to thrive in this work environment.

The task of identifying who is or would be a good hairdresser is admittedly complex. It is essential for any salon owner to have employees who are well-matched to their job descriptions. Armed with the information from this test, you can become familiar with the areas that would require attention and careful consideration so your employees can reach their full potential in this career.

Purpose: HAPAP will evaluate whether a person has the skills and traits to be successful in the hairdressing field.

No. of questions: 79
Question type: Situational, self-report
Estimated completion time: 20 minutes
Shorter versions of assessment: Yes
Recommended age level: 18+
Qualification Level: Class A
Compliance: APA standards; EEOC standards (gender, disability)
Validation Information:
● Sample Size: 1,943
● Cronbach’s Alpha: 0.93

Benchmarks: Available (general population and
Hairdressing industry)
Interview Questions: Available
Group Comparisons: Available

Report Includes:
● Summary
● Introduction
● Graphs
● Detailed narrative interpretation
● Strengths and Limitations
● Advice

Factors and Scales:
Overall Score plus 17 scales, including:
● Competitiveness: Degree to which an individual strives to be the best, and desires to distinguish himself/herself among colleagues/peers.
● Willingness to Learn New Skills: Willingness to stay on top of trends and update skill set if
● Integrity: Assesses whether a person is honorable or simply does and says things when it’s
to his/her advantage.
● Passion: Refers to enthusiasm for one’s work.
● Time Management: Ability to use time available effectively and efficiently.

● Neatness: Ability to maintain a tidy and clean work environment.
● Physical Hardiness: Ability to withstand physically difficult tasks.
● Stress Management: Ability to cope with the ups and downs common in the hairdressing field.