MANSSA – R4 (Management Skills and Styles Assessment – 4th Revision)


Purpose: MANSSA – R4 is an in-depth assessment that evaluates a person’s managerial potential. This all-encompassing test covers over 60 competencies, traits, and skills.



Purpose: MANSSA – R4 is an in-depth assessment that evaluates a person’s managerial potential. This all-encompassing test covers over 60 competencies, traits, and skills.

No. of questions: 391
Question type: Situational, self-report, skill testing
Estimated completion time: 160 minutes
Shorter versions of assessment: N/A
Recommended age level: 18+
Qualification Level: Class A
Compliance: APA standards; EEOC standards (gender, age)

Validation Information:
● Sample Size: 900
● Cronbach’s Alpha: 0.98

Benchmarks: Available (general population and Managers)
Interview Questions: Available
Group Comparisons: Available

Report Includes:
● Summary
● Introduction
● Graphs
● Detailed narrative interpretation
● Managerial Type
● Delegating Type
● Impression Management
● Advice

Factors and Scales:
Overall Score plus 5 factors, divided into 68 scales:
● Planning: Determining the organization’s direction.
● Organizing: Execution of plans.
● Controlling: Assessing progress and ensuring that plans and goals are unfolding effectively.
● Staffing & HR Functions: Duties that revolve around putting together a productive staff.
● Leading: Guiding and bringing out the best in others.


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