SEA – R2 (Self-Esteem Assessment – 2nd Revision)


Purpose: SEA – R2 is designed to evaluate an individual’s general level of self-esteem and assesses whether his or her self-image could use some improvement.


Purpose: SEA – R2 is designed to evaluate an individual’s general level of self-esteem and assesses whether his or her self-image could use some improvement.

No. of questions: 79
Question type: Self-report
Estimated completion time: 15 minutes
Shorter versions of assessment: N/A
Recommended age level: 18+
Qualification Level: Class A
Compliance: APA standards; EEOC standards (N/A)Validation

● Sample Size: 12,920
● Cronbach’s Alpha: 0.96

Benchmarks: Available (general population and 29 industries)
Group Comparisons: Available

Report Includes:
● Summary
● Introduction
● Graphs
● Detailed narrative interpretation
● Strengths and Limitations
● Advice

Factors and Scales:
Overall Score plus 8 scales:
● Feelings of Inadequacy: Tendency to doubt oneself and/or one’s capabilities.
● Sense of Self-worth: Assesses whether a person values himself/herself and believes he/she deserves appreciation and respect.
● Need for Approval: Assesses whether a person has the tendency to require and seek out approval from others.
● Unrealistic Self-Expectations: Assesses whether a person has the tendency to set high and impractical expectations.
● Sense of Social Acceptance: Assesses whether a person feels a sense of belonging within his/her social network.
● Narcissism: Assesses whether a person exhibits a sense of superiority as well as an excessive need for admiration.
● Defensiveness: Assesses whether a person has the tendency to get upset or angry when personal faults are exposed or criticized.
● Self-Deception: Assesses whether a person has the tendency to hold positively-biased truths about himself/herself.


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