Now more than ever, people are defining themselves by their work. With 40 plus hours a week of work becoming the norm for many, it has become increasingly important that people find jobs with which they are compatible, and ultimately enjoy doing. A career mismatch can lead to a great deal of frustration and unhappiness. Across all jobs and careers, it is clear that people who enjoy their work tend to be better at what they do. We take this principle as the premise of this Career Path & Aptitude Assessment. Aiming to measure particular aspects of a candidate’s values and preferences and match them with jobs that they would likely excel at, this assessment can help broaden their understanding of the available jobs out there.
No. of questions: 259
Question type: Self-assessment, situational
Estimated completion time: 50 minutes
Shorter versions of assessment: N/A
Recommended age level: 18+
Qualification Level: Class A
Compliance: APA standards; EEOC standards (disability)
Validation Information:
● Sample Size: 5,664
● Cronbach’s Alpha range : 0.54 to 0.98
Benchmarks: Available (general population and 25 industries)
Interview Questions: Available
Group Comparisons: Available
Report Includes:
● Introduction
● Graphs
● Detailed narrative interpretation
● Career matches
Factors and Scales:
5 factors are divided into 30 scales:
● Career Interests: This encompasses the type of tasks a person would enjoy doing on a daily basis – the general “theme” of a typical workday. These interests are known as the Holland Codes.
● Intelligence Types: Based on Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences. Assesses areas of intelligence in which a person excels.
● Work Orientation: The basis of a person’s job preferences. Provides a general overview of the type of career path that best suits a person’s preferences and strengths.
● Work Styles: Characterizes the type of employee a person would be – what drives him or her, and the type of assets he/she would bring to a company.
● Work Values: Assesses what is important for a person to achieve in his/her career, and the type of characteristics he/she might look for in a company. the type of assets he/she would bring to a company.
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