DOT – R (Detail Orientation Test – Revised)


Purpose: DOT – R assesses whether an individual has the patience, focus, and willingness to be meticulous.


Research has shown that when under stress, our ability to zero-in on certain details actually improves.

Meticulousness is defined as the ability to complete tasks carefully and pay close attention to detail. This often requires a great deal of self-discipline, as not everyone has the desire or the patience to take care of all the fine points of a task or project. Although meticulousness in its extreme (along with a perfectionistic attitude) may not be the ideal, good attention to detail is generally an asset in many jobs and in everyday life.

It also goes without saying that being able to look at the “big picture” and take a more global view is also useful as well. Getting caught up in details can be distracting and may even waste time. While it is important to take a slow, systematic approach to a project and make sure to account for all the finer points, a person who is too detail-oriented and too much of a perfectionist may struggle with tasks that have tight deadlines, often fearful of making mistakes or handing in a less-than-perfect product.

The goal of the Meticulousness Test is to assess the candidate’s ability to pay attention to detail, and whether he / she has the self-discipline and motivation to do so.

Purpose: DOT – R assesses whether an individual has the patience, focus, and willingness to be meticulous.

No. of questions: 26
Question type: Self-assessment
Estimated completion time: 5 minutes
Shorter versions of assessment: N/A
Recommended age level: 18+
Qualification Level: Class A
Compliance: APA standards; EEOC standards (gender, age, disability)
Validation Information:
● Sample Size: 1,923
● Cronbach’s Alpha: 0.92

Benchmarks: Available (general population and 21 industries
Interview Questions: Available
Group Comparisons: Available

Report Includes:
● Summary
● Introduction
● Graphs
● Detailed narrative interpretation
● Strengths and Limitations
● Advice

Factors and Scales:
Overall Score plus 3 scales:
● Self-Discipline: Assesses whether a person has the patience and focus to deal with details.
● Motivation: Assesses whether a person considers details important, and is willing to take
them into consideration when completing a task.
● Dislike for Details Extent to which a person has an aversion for details.