
1.Multidimensional Emotional Intelligence Quotient assessment has 115      situational self-reporting questions. This assessment can be completed in 65 minutes and it is recommended for people above 18 years. The report of this assessment will include a summery, introduction, graphs of the various scales assets for you a personalize detailed narrative of your assessment. Your strengths and limitation will be measured during the assessment. Your impression management report and a compressive advice from our experts for you to be happy and successful.

2. What is MEIQ – HR – R2 assessment

This is a measure of your emotional intelligence which is the ability to understand, manage and use your emotions in positive ways. It assesses your effective communication ability to empathise with others and manage, stresses and emotions on the path of your success and happiness.

3. How does this assessment empower you?

Are you open minded?

Are you a good listener?

Do you believe in truth?

Do you believe in telling in truth?

Do you apologies when you are wrong

Do you have the ability to manage your emotions?

Can you communicate effective with others?

Can you emphasize with others?

Can you overcome challenges on your own?

Can you defuse conflict?

Your EQ determines your ability to be happy and successful in life

The physically fit and academically brilliant are not always successful in what they do.

It is your EQ- Emotional Intelligence that will help you manage the stresses and emotions on the path of success and happiness.

Good leaders use emotional intelligence

Your romantic relationship that impacts directly on emotional intelligence

People with good emotional intelligence make the best of friends to their children and partners.

The assessment lets you know about your EQ you possess factors and scales with the help of the following four factors which are further divider in 20 scales

  1. Emotional Identification, Perception, and Expression: Ability to characterize emotions in oneself and in others.
  2. Emotional Facilitation of Thought: Ability/Willingness to use feelings constructively; to let them guide you.
  3. Emotional Understanding: Ability to understand and analyse emotions, and solve emotional problems.
  4. Emotional Management: Ability to take responsibility for one’s emotions.
    • Adaptable Social Skills
    • Assertiveness
    • Awareness of Strengths and Limitations
    • Comfort with Emotions
    • Conflict Management Knowledge
    • Conflict Resolution Behaviour
    • Contentment
    • Coping Skills
    • Emotional Integration
    • Emotional Reflection
    • Emotional Selectivity
    • Emotional Self-awareness
    • Empathy
    • Flexibility
    • Impulse Control
    • Independence
    • Positive Mindset
    • Problem-Solving
    • Recognition of Other’s Emotions
    • Resilience/Hardiness
    • Rumination
    • Self-Control
    • Self-esteem
    • Self-Motivation
    • Social Insight
    • Striving
    • Values Integrity


4.Why is Multidimensional Emotional Intelligence Quotient assessment test is important for you?

Emotional intelligence is important for you in order to learn about your shortcomings in order to manage stress and feel more comfortable reconnecting to strong or unpleasant emotional response.

It makes you explore new way to rediscover and improve yourself.


The happiest and successful people are those who live on their own terms. Measure their scales by their own yearnings and goals that they have set up for themselves.

When we are in touch with our emotions we are at choice. We are able to control our emotions and our actions rather than letting our emotions control us.

Denial Goleman a renowned American psychologist known as Godfather EQ describes EQ as the ability to understand and manage your own emotions, and those of the people around you. He also wrote that 80 to 90% of competencies that differentiate top performance are in the domain of the emotional intelligence.